Agaris embraces inclusive employee landscape

What has long been at the forefront of our corporate vision as an employer, has now been explicitly written down. By signing this declaration of intent, Agaris states its agreement with the principles of an inclusive company. This step underlines our commitment to further implement all basic elements in our daily business operations. 

Preliminary course on diversity & inclusion

Prior to signing this declaration of intent, Angélique Van der Jeugt, in charge of HR at Agaris, followed a learning network organised by I-DIVERSO. This one-year programme started with a scan of Agaris' policy on diversity and inclusion, after which experiences at various member companies were exchanged. After several intensive workshops, this led to useful tips for further implementation at Agaris, as well as the signing of the official document. 

Inclusive enterprise principles

The principles below belong to the statement of intent: 

  • We believe in the added value of inclusion and diversity; 
  • We consciously choose to be more inclusive and more diverse; 
  • We recognise the social importance of inclusion and diversity; 
  • We are mindful of discrimination and committed to inclusion and diversity; 
  • We ask respect for all employees; 
  • We also carry these values in our recruitment and selection process; 
  • We provide equal training and development opportunities for every employee. 

Concrete actions

The new insights on diversity and inclusion immediately prove their added value for recruitment, onboarding and coaching at work. For example, we will shortly begin to provide Dutch language classes. Depending on their needs, employees will be offered 10 to 20 hours of language coaching. Furthermore, we developed a brand-new welcome brochure tailored to our diverse audience. We are also working hard to strengthen mentoring at work. These are just a few actions that are on our agenda now and in the long term. 

Discover the official document below (only available in Dutch):
